Make your technology great again.

Make your technology efficient again.

Make your technology secure again.

Make your technology reliable again.

Make your technology trusted again.

Enroll now

Maximize return on investment in your technology.


Reduce maintenance costs, and improve user experience with portfolio rationalization, and standardization.

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Prioritize investment

Allocate the budget to the most impactful projects that transform technology in line with strategic goals.

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Reduce risk

Ensure no platform goes out of support, no license expires, and data is secure with proactive risk monitoring.

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Embrace innovation

Redirect maintenance cost savings to technology innovation that defines business success.

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Transition to Portfolio from Spreadsheets in a few hours

Portfolio Builder intelligence automates the initiation.

Foundational reference architecture is pre-loaded, just pick and choose to adopt it to your business.

It includes the Business Capability Model, Application pattern model, and Data and Performance models.

Portfolio Intelligence – your technology analyzer.

The easiest way to visualize your technology gaps, uncover opportunities, and effectively manage change.

No more spreadsheet inventories

Transition to a multi-dimensional portfolio and navigate between business capabilities, data, enabling applications, and technology platforms.

Single portfolio – multiple functions

Expose views and visualizations relevant to each user role – from CXO, Architects, Project Managers, Infrastructure, and Security domains to BI and business users.

Configurable platform, not just a tool

Design your portfolio in line with your priorities and business demands. All configurations are adjustable, and you are in the driver's seat.

How it works

As soon as you enroll in one of the subscription plans you will be directed to the platform. The Portfolio Builder module will lead you through the initiation steps. When completed, the Analytics and Artifacts, Reports, and Portfolio Management are populated.

Explore use cases

How does the Portfolio Builder work?
How long does it take?

  • What do I need to prepare?

    You need to create a list of your business applications and out-of-the-box products or subscriptions. That is all you need. Yurika implements the Architecture Portfolio Intelligence Framework (APIF). For more information read APIF Chapter 2.

  • Is a Business Capability model needed?

    No worries! That model is already pre-loaded. It includes common capabilities, industry-specific capabilities, and placeholders for your custom entry. You will pick and choose all relevant branches from it, and modify names as desired.

  • What type of Data Model is required?

    No data model is required. The Data Reference Model is already provided. It includes common and industry-specific data subjects along with placeholders for your customization. The Performance and Technical Reference Models are also pre-loaded.

  • What if my inventory is incomplete?

    No issue! Initiate your portfolio with what is available and add new inventory items later. The Portfolio Builder is always available for you to go back to. Additionally, when a portfolio is initiated the Portfolio Management module is loaded. It allows mass uploads and editing.

  • How to handle future technologies?

    Everything in your portfolio has valid from and valid to dates. If the valid from date is in the future that technology will not be shown in the current state but will appear in the future state. The same applies to all retiring inventory items.

  • How long will it take?

    Typically, a portfolio is initiated in a few hours provided you have inventories prepared and have an idea of what each business application is used for. If you missed anything, just simply go back to the Portfolio Builder and update.

Start using your Portfolio Intelligence.

From first steps to enhanced decision support analytics, the platform puts you in the driver's seat for digital transformation planning.

Real time charts

All views and visualizations are auto-generated using current portfolio content.

Business case ready

Artifacts and supporting details are export-ready to plug into your business case.

Cross platform

All devices and browsers are supported. Access the platform from any place.

Advice available

Our advisory team has over two decades of architecture experience and is happy to assist.


Portfolio export supports integrations with external tools. Inventory import takes CSV files.

Like minded community

A community of problem solvers exchanges lessons learned, best practices, and more.

Prebuilt models

Business, data, application, technical, and performance models are pre-loaded.


All models are designed to be customized. Pick and choose, modify right on the model.

Prebuilt for your industry.

The business model covers all common capabilities including sales, marketing, customer relations, and back-office management. It also includes industry-specific capabilities covering manufacturing, supply chain, transportation, healthcare provider and payor, financial services - retail, commercial, lending, wealth management, capital markets, trading, property and casualty, pharma R&D, non-for-profit, local government, product development, energy, and utility.

Please contact us for more details.

Powerful platform, not just a tool.

Yurika Portfolio Intelligence is the only product on the market that implements a proven Architecture Portfolio Intelligence Framework (APIF). It was created by seasoned architects who learned the shortcomings of existing tools and made it their mission to deliver the best product for the task:

  • Simple to understand and use,
  • Serving multiple roles in organization,
  • Handing full control to you – the customer.

Use Cases.

What problems you can solve? What questions you can answer?


Dedicated pages were created for portfolio analysis, standard references, information flow, and data dictionary.


Step-by-step design is available for license management and persona management.

Your custom

The platform allows you to configure any additional classes and generate your custom views.

    • Merger

      Plan technology conversion using Portfolio Intelligence blueprints.

    • License Management

      Provide accurate reporting and avoid unpleasant fines.

    • Data Center Migration

      Account for application dependencies using the Solution Decomposition page.

    • Portfolio Rationalization

      Use the Portfolio Rationalization module to define opportunities.

    • Solution Architecture

      Use the references page to check existing shared services and patterns.

    • Security

      Establish application security based on data classification.

    • Business Analytics

      Provide data from the Record of Truth to BI projects.

    • User role provisioning

      Link job role with security privileges and role provisioning.

    • Integration Re-engineering

      From point-to-point to publish/subscribe or API with Information Flow view.

    • Disaster Recovery

      Ensure your business continuity is up to date.

    Rationalize and more.

    Unlock opportunities to eliminate redundant, non-standard, or outdated technologies and demonstrate maintenance cost reduction, streamlined support, and improved user experience.

    Dedicated pages present aggregated and detailed assessments of applications and platforms making it easy to define and prioritize changes to propose.

    When opportunities are defined, save analysis views and detail tables and include those in your business case.


    Navigate aggregated view

    There are views dedicated to each task. When a view is selected it starts with the high-level assessment. The assessment uses four dimensions – cost, usage, complexity, and current state.


    Drill down

    Each aggregation can be drilled down to the next level. All views are accompanied by a list of applications or platforms (depending on your selection) included in the view.


    Define opportunities

    Select applications or platforms to expand and replace others - candidates to retire. Save all relevant views to include in the business case.

    Questions that are easy to answer with Portfolio Intelligence

    Answers to those questions are critical to the success of many technology initiatives. Missed information imposes the risk of outage, compromised user experience, and financial loss.

    Prioritize investment.

    Allocate the budget to the most impactful projects that transform technology in line with strategic goals.

    The Executive Dashboard presents an assessment of technology services by business areas.

    The assessment uses the four most important key technology performance indicators which are configured to be in line with your strategic goals and priorities.


    Configure KPIs

    Key technology performance indicators can be calculated slightly differently, and the difference makes a large impact on the executive assessment.


    Review Impact of KPIs

    Review how the changes in the key technology performance indicator rules impact assessments for each of the business areas.


    Finalize the view

    A summary view provided to executives supports budget allocation prioritizations and target state planning.

    • Technology investment decisions are backed by solid facts.


    • Dependency maps help mitigate risks during changes.

      Infrastructure Management

    • Project prioritization is no longer a lengthy process.


    • The Architecture Review Board assesses proposed changes easily and with confidence.


    • After portfolio rationalization, the budget savings were redirected to innovation.


    • With a shared service catalog the level of reuse has been significantly increased.

      Solution Architects

    • Rules, policies, and controls are transparent when aligned with information classifications.

      Information Security

    • User profile aligned with provisioning streamlined onboarding.

      Desktop Management

    Value for different roles.

    Reduce Risk

    Financial, reputational, and compliance risks presented as aggregations support planning decisions. Plans aligned with assessments and risk measures target changes that reduce the most important risks.

    Change is always associated with risks. To minimize those risks you need to possess accurate and up-to-date information on the change impact. Portfolio Intelligence presents a comprehensive view of all dependencies that need to be accounted for during change planning and system design.

    Embrace Innovation

    There are many innovations to choose from. It is important to deliver business value through innovation. Portfolio Intelligence views demonstrate the undeserved business capabilities and help you make the right choice.

    Your technology maintenance cost savings realized after the Portfolio Rationalization support additional investments in technology innovation.

    No hidden fees, simple subscription pricing.

    Simple pricing for Yurika Portfolio Intelligence self-serve platform.

    Starter plan


    Per month

    • Single user
    • Core Meta Model
    • Portfolio Builder
    • Pre-built architecture models
    • Pre-built reports

    Business plan


    Per month

    • Team up to 5 users
    • Elastic Meta Model
    • Portfolio Builder
    • Pre-built architecture models
    • Unlimited reports
    • Unlimited customizations
    • Support by email

    Enterprise plan


    Per month

    • Team up to 300 users
    • Elastic Meta Model
    • Portfolio Builder
    • Pre-built architecture models
    • Unlimited reports
    • Unlimited customizations
    • Integrations (SSO, SNOW, other) for a fee
    • Premium support

    Starter plan


    Per year

    • Single user
    • Core Meta Model
    • Portfolio Builder
    • Pre-built architecture models
    • Pre-built reports

    Business plan


    Per year

    • Team up to 5 users
    • Elastic Meta Model
    • Portfolio Builder
    • Pre-built architecture models
    • Unlimited reports
    • Unlimited customizations
    • Support by email

    Enterprise plan


    Per year

    • Team up to 300 users
    • Elastic Meta Model
    • Portfolio Builder
    • Pre-built architecture models
    • Unlimited reports
    • Unlimited customizations
    • Free Integrations (SSO, SNOW, other)
    • Premium support

    Affordable by design.

    Created by technology architects for architects and IT leaders.

    We aim to make this platform available to you regardless of your budget.

    Hosted on the state-of-the-art Cloud platform powered by the secure and reliable AWS services our online subscriptions cost no more than the hosting.

    Select your plan and get started.

    Features Starter Business Enterprise
    Portfolio Builder
    Analytics and Artifacts
    Applications and Platforms Reports
    Role based access
    Custom user roles
    Elastic Meta Model
    Content export as json or csv
    Unlimited user accounts

    Too busy, not enough staff to work on your portfolio …
    Managed services are available.

    Our dedicated portfolio management team, architects, and model creators are happy to create and manage your portfolio.

    Our team is US-based security cleared and dedicated to portfolio intelligence success. Flexible engagement models are available.

    Contact us

    Contact us.




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